Smart Community Tourism (SCoT)

A monthly webinar series, is designed to broadcast the seldom-heard voices of the neglected bulk.

“‘Think Global, Act Local’ - or is it rather to ‘Think Local, Act Global’?”

Volume 44, Willy Legrand

“Villages with distinct appeals have the potential to become successful tourism destinations.”

Volume 38, Hera Oktadiana

“Inclusive growth creates employment opportunities and helps in reducing poverty. It provides equality of opportunity for all, empowering people through education and skill development.”

Satellite Volume 6, Noel Scott

Smart Community tourism

Smart Community Tourism (SCoT), a monthly webinar series, is designed to broadcast the seldom-heard voices of the neglected bulk. Its panels are populated with individuals who have expertise in small and medium-size tourism communities and operations. Each webinar deals with a thematic subject: by first setting the stage and outlining its parameters; subsequently identifying relevant issues, problems, and prospects; road-mapping operational strategies forward; and closing the session by inviting webinar participants to add their voices to the discussion. Sustainable tourism development, with built-in resiliency, is among the principles feeding the webinar series, advocating strategies which benefit all: the host, the guest, and the stakeholder populations. By bridging tourism theory and practice, the series brings to light the notion and practice of “A Nice Place to Live is a Nice Place to Visit“.

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Past webinars

The SCoT Webinar series aims to democratize the creation, access, and use of tourism knowledge among industry, government, academia and small host communities. Our growing community of contributors and participants envision ourselves as globally interconnected networks of scholars conducting engaged research with industry and host communities informing the strategic evolution of tourism as a global force for peace, equitable prosperity, and sustainability.

Based on SCoT’s goals, several webinars have been successfully held so far, available on the past webinars’ searchable page.

Aug, 2022

Volume 43

Strategies for Developing Capacities of Destination Stakeholders / / This webinar aims at reflecting critical views on developing strategies for building capacities of destination stakeholders. Although destination stakeholders are considered one of...


Feb, 2021

Volume 13

Resilience of ecotourism communities in the South Pacific / / Some small communities in the South Pacific have embraced ecotourism to develop livelihoods that leverage the fragile environmental resources that surround them, and the charismatic cultu...


Feb, 2023

Satellite V 18

Human capacity building for Sustainable Development of Noto Peninsula, Japan: Activity Reports by Satoyama Meisters / 能登半島の持続発展のための人材育成:里山マイスターからの活動報告 / Satoyama refers to Japanese tradi...


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