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- Dec 09 2023
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JST- 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Koji Nakamura
Obtained PhD in Entomology from Kyoto University in 1980. Major field of interests is ecology, especially, long-term insect population dynamics in Japan, Indonesia and other tropical countries. Recently, engaged in the research, conservation and sustainable use of Satoyama and Satoumi in Noto Peninsula, Kanazawa, Japan. Served as the Co-chair of the Scientific Assessment Panel of the Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment (JSSA). Serving as the Director of Noto Satoyama MeisterTraining Program (2007-2011), Satoyama Satoumi Revitalizing Project, Kanazawa University (2010-on going), Noto Satoyama Satoumi Meister Training Program (2012-on going, since 2016 serving as Advisor), and Ifugao Satoyama Meister Training Program in the Philippines (JICA Technical Cooperation for Grassroots, 2013-on going). 1947年兵庫県生まれ。石川県立自然史資料館館長(2017〜)、金沢大学名誉教授、農学博士(京都大学)。専門は生態学。国連大学による「日本の里山・里海評価」(JSSA)科学評価パネル共同議長、東アジア農業遺産学会(ERAHS)日本代表議長、金沢大学里山里海プロジェクト代表として「能登里山マイスター養成プログラム」、フィリピンにおいて「イフガオ里山マイスター養成プログラム」(JICA草の根技術協力事業)などを運営。能登半島と石川県の里山里海の保全、総合活用、地域再生に取り組んでいる。 |
Chie Takazawa
Born in Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture. After graduating from university, she worked in marketing and logistics in the fast food, cosmetics, and entertainment industries. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, she reconsidered “WORK” and “LIFE”, and went on to graduate school while working. After encountering “Social Design Studies”, which teaches cross-sector collaboration, risk management, and thinking and practice for a diverse, sustainable, and cohesive society, she rediscovered the charm and potential of Noto. In 2019, U-turn from Tokyo as a member of Local Vitalization Cooperator. Currently, she is a researcher at the Kanazawa University School of Medicine, a director of the NPO Noto Satoyama Satoumi Meister Network, and a member of the Noto DMC LLC. Her present engaged areas are advanced preventive medical research, human resources development of the next-generation regional, and promoting tourism. 石川県七尾市出身。大学卒業後、ファストフードや化粧品、エンターテインメント業界でマーケティングや物流を担当。東日本大震災を期に「WORK」と「LIFE」を見つめ直し、働きながら大学院へ進学。セクターを越えた協働やリスクマネジメント、多様性に富んだ持続可能な共生社会のための思考と実践を学ぶ「社会デザイン学」に出会い、能登の魅力と可能性を再発見。2019年地域おこし協力隊として東京からUターン。現在は、金沢大学医学系研究員、特非)能登里山里海マイスターネットワーク理事、能登DMC合同会社等で、自らの関心領域でもある「先進予防医学研究」「次世代の地域人材育成」「持続可能な観光促進」に取り組んでいる。 |
Shinobu Segawa
Food coordinator living in Noto, managing Segawa Recipe. Born in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Works as a confectionery and cooking instructor at a cooking studio in Kanazawa City. In 2017, after attending Kanazawa University's Noto Satoyama-Satoumi Meister Program, she became interested in food rooted in the climate of Satoyama-Satoumi on the Noto Peninsula, and returned to her hometown. Currently, in addition to supporting local companies in developing products and recipes that make use of Noto's unique ingredients and culture. She is also creating educational programs for elementary, junior high, and high school classes on Noto's food culture. 能登在住のフードコーディネーター、セガワレシピを主宰。石川県輪島市出身。金沢市の料理スタジオにて製菓・料理の講師として勤務する。2017年、金沢大学能登里山里海マイスタープログラムの受講をきっかけに、あらためて能登半島の里山里海の風土に根ざした食に関心を持ち、帰郷する。現在、能登ならではの食材、文化を生かした地元企業の商品開発やレシピ開発のサポートのほか、小中学校、高等学校の能登の食文化に関する授業にて教育プログラムづくりを行っている。 |
Shin Urata
Principal Researcher, General Incorporated Association “Institute of Noto Satoumi Education and Studies”. Born in Kanazawa City in 1974. Graduated from Kanazawa Nisui High School and Kanazawa University. Worked as a researcher at Osaka University and assistant professor at Hiroshima University before assuming current position in 2015. His main specialty is marine biodiversity, and he has also written works related to the natural and industrial history of the region, including “The history of Ogi tuff”. He received the Zoological Science Award for his academic paper “Biology of the swimming acorn worm Glandiceps hacksi from the Seto Inland Sea of Japan,” and the Hideo Shima Prize for superior railroad writings for his research book “The History of Freight Car Labels in Japan”. He is working to build an effective social cooperation education model through marine education practice and support at school education in Noto and all Japan. 一般社団法人能登里海教育研究所主幹研究員 1974年金沢市生まれ 理学博士 金沢二水高校、金沢大学卒、大阪大学研究員、広島大学助教を経て2015年より現職。主な専門は海洋生物多様性で、他に「能登の小木石」など地域の自然史と産業史に関わる著作がある。学術論文 “Biology of the swimming acorn worm Glandiceps hacksi from the Seto Inland Sea of Japan”でZoological Science Award受賞、研究書「貨車車票の歴史」で島秀雄記念優秀著作賞受賞。県内外の学校教育現場での海洋教育実践・支援を通じ、効果的な社会連携教育モデルの構築に取り組んでいる。 |
Koji Nakamura Moderator | |
Chie Takazawa Panelist | |
Shinobu Segawa Panelist | |
Shin Urata Panelist | |
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Dec 09 2023
- Time: 4:00 am - 5:30 am
Volume 54
Revitalization of Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi by the promotion of livelihood business and learning, utilizing traditional fermented food culture
Noto Peninsula, designated a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) site, “Noto Satoyama and Satoumi” (2011), is facing serious aging and depopulation. In this SCoT webinar we present a discussion of the importance of the area’s traditional fermented food culture for the reactivation of GIAHS through the promotion of livelihood businesses (e.g., agriculture, fisheries, the food service industry, and tourism), and the engagement of schools and local people.
The two reporters are Noto Satoyama Meister graduates; Takazawa works on nurturing the next generation of local human resources and promoting sustainable tourism and Segawa is a food coordinator who runs her own company, where she supports the development of products and recipes for local companies that make use of Noto ingredients and culture and creates Noto food culture education programs for local schools
Urata (Noto Satoumi Education Research Institute member) will comment on their presentations from the perspective of building a social cooperation education model through marine education practice and support at school education sites, including Noto.
Afterwards, we look forward to an exchange of opinions regarding the sustainable development of Noto and other regions.
The two reporters are Noto Satoyama Meister graduates; Takazawa works on nurturing the next generation of local human resources and promoting sustainable tourism and Segawa is a food coordinator who runs her own company, where she supports the development of products and recipes for local companies that make use of Noto ingredients and culture and creates Noto food culture education programs for local schools
Urata (Noto Satoumi Education Research Institute member) will comment on their presentations from the perspective of building a social cooperation education model through marine education practice and support at school education sites, including Noto.
Afterwards, we look forward to an exchange of opinions regarding the sustainable development of Noto and other regions.
Welcome Remarks
Kazem Vafadari
Koji Nakamura
Panel Presentations
Chie Takazawa
Shinobu Segawa
Shin Urata
Shinobu Segawa
Shin Urata
Cultural Break
Malcolm Cooper
Kazem Vafadari
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