11 September
Local Date: Sep 11 2024 |
Local Time: 6:00 am - 7:30 am
Alexandre Panosso Netto es Doctor en Ciencias de la Comunicación. Realizó una Maestría en Historia en la Universidade Federal De Mato Grosso Do Sul. Cursó una licenciatura en Turismo y una en filosofía en la Universidade Católica Dom Bosco. Actualmente es el Coordinador del postgrado –maestría y doctorado– en turismo de la Universidad de Sao Paulo –USP–. También es Presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Investigación y Postgrado en Turismo –ANPTUR– (Brasil). Ha publicado 25 libros en portugués, español e inglés y tiene en su haber más de 50 artículos científicos. Tiene especial interés sobre la producción del conocimiento en turismo y sobre turismo en latinoamérica. |
Mariana de Freitas Coelho is a Marketing Professor at the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. She holds a PHD and a master degree in Business Administration. She coordinates the research group Mercademia, which aims to link academia and business. Her research interests include Tourism Experience, Experiential Marketing, Digital Marketing and Hospitality. |
Dr Gui Lohmann is an Air Transport and Tourism Management professor and the Deputy Director of the Griffith Institute for Tourism (GIFT) at Griffith University (Australia). He is also a member of the Tourism Economics and Management Research Centre (NEAT) at the University of São Paulo (Brazil). |
Yoná da Silva Dalonso - Graduated in Tourism and Hospitality, Master in Communication Sciences, PhD in Geography (UMINHO, Portugal) and Postdoctoral fellow of the USP Global Cities Program (IEA/USP). Professor, Researcher in the area of Tourism and leader of the Tourism and Territory Research Group (CNPq) at the University of Joinville Region, Univille. His publications include articles from academic journals, chapters in books and other scientific productions on tourism, gastronomy, public policies, events, tourist planning, regional planning. |
Luiz Gonzaga Godoi Trigo - is a full professor at University of Sao Paulo-USP in the area of leisure and tourism. He is Graduated in philosophy and tourism, doctor in education and research in topics related to culture, entertainment, education and leisure and tourism policies. |
Verônica Feder Mayer is Full Professor at the School of Tourism and Hospitality of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). She is the head of the LABCONS-Laboratory of Behavioral Studies in Tourism and collaborates with the Tourism Economics and Management Research Center (NEAT) of University of Sao Paulo - USP. |
Alexandre Panosso Netto Moderator | |
Mariana de Freitas Coelho Panelist | |
Gui Lohmann Panelist | |
Yoná da Silva Dalonso Panelist | |
Luiz Gonzaga Godoi Trigo Panelist | |
Verônica Feder Mayer Panelist | |