Other Locations
- Nov 25 2023
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Japan Time- 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Kazem Vafadari
Dr. Kazem Vafadari is Director of International Center for Asia Pacific Tourism (iCAPt); and Academic Director of the Kunisaki City Research Center for world agriculture heritage in Oita, Japan. He is a Professor and Vice Dean for International Affairs, College of Sustainability and Tourism at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU). He worked with United Nations University and Kanazawa University in Japan before joining APU in 2011. He is an expert on sustainable tourism, natural resource management and tourism applications of agriculture heritage landscapes. His research background also includes community building, rural revitalization and destination branding. |
Robin Diekhorst
Robin Diekhorst (MA, Bsc). Graduated in Rural Development and Tourism Destination Management. Since 2020 involved with Green Destinations with the development of the START-program on destinations sustainability. Currently working as policy office spatial development at the municipality of Bernheze in the Netherlands. Involved with the set-up and support of a community based tourism project in the Peruvian Amazon. |
Masaru Takayama
Mr. Masaru Takayama founded the 21-country Asian Ecotourism Network to promote authentic ecotourism in the region by creating a networking platform for the ecotourism fraternity. In 2018, Japan Alliance of Responsible Travel Agencies was also created to enhance responsible tourism movement in Japan. Masaru serves a number of key positions in the organizations both home and abroad. GSTC authorized trainer, Green Destinations auditor/trainer, Travelife auditor, Global Ecotourism Network executive committee member, Future of Tourism Coalition advisor, UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia Pacific sustainable tourism promotion committee advisor, Japan Tourism Agency SustainableTourism Indicator Committee member, and the owner of Shunyoso, a cultural heritage boutique villa in Awaji Island, Japan. |
Thomas Jones
Dr. Jones is Professor of Environmental Studies at Ritsumeikan APU in Kyushu, SW Japan. His research interests include Environmental Policy, Nature-Based Tourism and Protected Area Management. Originally from the UK, Jones has lived in Japan for many years, experiencing life as an international student from both sides of the lectern. After completing his PhD at the University of Tokyo, he worked as a consultant for municipal government carrying out visitor surveys in the Japan Alps and at Mount Fuji. He is also part of a Wildlife Tourism team investigating Rabbit Island and the Snow Monkeys. |
Maki Yanagita
柳田 真希(Maki Yanagita) 与論島出身。15年間各地でITコンサルティングのマネージャー業務を経験し、2017年に与論島にUターン。2018年よりガイド、不動産業、宿泊業、飲食業を経営。2021年より島内事業家育成事業開始。2020年よりヨロン島観光協会にてDMO/サスティナビリティーコーディネーターを担当し、島内観光データの収集・分析業務。観光振興計画策定を担当。 |
Sanae Kinase
【木名瀬 佐奈枝】Sanae Kinase 1976年奈良生まれ。慶應義塾大学中退後、19歳で弟子屈町へ移住。アウトドア会社を20年にわたり共同経営したのち、旅行業務取扱管理者の資格を取得、ランドオペレーター、デザイナー、ライターとして活動中。 2020年に地域振興を目的とした一般社団法人TESHI-COLORを設立し、代表理事に就任。 2021年からは弟子屈町のサステナビリティーコーディネーターとして、持続可能な観光地域づくりに取り組んでいる。 ■1976年(昭和51年)奈良生まれ ■私立 自由の森学園高等学校 卒業 ■慶應義塾大学 総合政策学部 中退 ■1996年(平成8年)弟子屈町へ移住 ■1996年5月~2004年4月 カヌーツアー事業者「Voice of Wind」共同経営 ■2004年4月~2016年5月 有限会社わっか取締役 ※アウトドアガイド事業者「屈斜路ガイドステーションわっか」を運営 ■2016年~フリーランス ■2018年 総合旅行業務取扱管理者資格取得、ランドオペレーター登録 ■2020年 一般社団法人TESHI-COLOR設立、代表理事に就任 ■2021年~弟子屈町サステナビリティーコーディネーター |
Kazem Vafadari Moderator | |
Robin Diekhorst Panelist | |
Masaru Takayama Panelist | |
Thomas Jones Panelist | |
Maki Yanagita Panelist | |
Sanae Kinase Panelist | |
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 25 2023
- Time: 5:00 am - 6:30 am
Volume 53
Green Destinations, Sustainable Tourism and Resilient Communities
Sustainable tourism in practice happens when destinations are more satisfying, resilient and when travelers are responsible and are aware of the environmental and social impact of their travel activities. Green Destinations as an organization provides institutional capital to facilitate sustainable tourism through a number of initiatives including certification and recognizing sustainable tourism practices at the destination level. The organization also provides tools and guidelines to assess sustainability performance. Community engagement is considered as one the most important aspects to assess sustainability by Green Destinations. In this webinar, team members from Green Destinations and representatives of certified destinations will share stories of collaboration between tourism professionals and communities for capacity building and promoting knowledge. They share stories of sustainable tourism practices worldwide. Since 2004, more than 400 destinations have joined the awards and certification program. Among them, 8 sites are in Japan. Representatives from Japan discuss how various stakeholders, including governments, tourism boards, NGOs, and academic institutions work together to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable tourism.
Welcome Remarks
Jafar Jafari
Kazem Vafadari
Presentations by speakers/panelists
Robin Diekhorst
Masaru Takayama
Thomas Jones
Maki Yanagita
Sanae Kinase
Masaru Takayama
Thomas Jones
Maki Yanagita
Sanae Kinase
Cultural Break
Discussion and Q/A
Participants and Panelists
Malcolm Cooper
Jafar Jafari
Kazem Vafadari
Kazem Vafadari
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