08 February
Local Date: Feb 08 2025 |
Local Time: 4:00 am - 5:30 am
Morais is an Associate Professor of Sustainable Tourism and a Tourism Extension Specialist at North Carolina State University. He is also the lead in(ve)stigator of People-First Tourism Lab, a participatory action research collective started at NC State and now involving researchers and community development partners globally (P1tLab.ncsu.edu). Morais supports small communities and microentrepreneurs across the State of North Carolina and internationally. Morais integrates the insight and energy of an increasingly rich team of scholars in disciplines ranging from Cultural Anthropology, Humanitarian Engineering, Social Business, Community Psychology, Design, and Computer Science. His disciplinary home is Social-psychology and through this lens he investigates how tourism microentrepreneurship is developed and how it may affect host communities ability to harness economic opportunity in their own terms. |
Dr. KangJae “Jerry” Lee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management at North Carolina State University. Lee’s research activities have focused on social/environmental justice, diversity, racial discrimination, well-being, and interracial interaction in the context of parks, recreation, tourism, and sport. He is the recipient of 2020 Best Research Paper Award from The Academy of Leisure Sciences, the Golden Apple Award in Excellent Teaching and Mentorship at the University of Missouri, and the U.S. Senator Phil Gramm Doctoral Fellowship (the highest recognition for doctoral students at Texas A&M). |
Sam Cook has made his mark on multiple aspects of forestry during his esteemed 40-year career. He is currently the executive director of Forest Assets and VP of the Natural Resources Foundation for the College of Natural Resources at NC State University, where he coordinates the management of the forest assets owned or managed by the NC State Natural Resources Foundation, Inc. In 2021, elected as the VP for the Society of American Foresters. He also serves as a Board member for Tuskegee (AL.) University Dept. of Agricultural and Environmental Resources, (post-President), World Forestry Center (vice president), (Portland, Oregon), Forest History Society (Durham, NC), and a Resource Committee Advisor for the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) (Washington, DC) - representing the Black Family Land Trust (NC/VA). In previous roles at both the Center for Heirs Property Preservation (Director of Forestry) and as a private forestry consultant, he has played an integral role in developing and implementing a system of support that allows natural resource partners, forest and other landowners of all income levels to increase their forest sustainability and income through sustainable forestry programs. Sam has also worked with the USDA Forest Service Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Boise, ID), Duke Energy Progress (Durham, NC), and the Global Fiber Supply (formerly Forest Resource Division) of International Paper Company. . In 2021, he was inducted into the World Forestry Center’s Forestry Leadership Hall and presented the Distinguished Alumni Award by the NC State University College of Natural Resources. |
Since her graduation from the International Tourism Management & Consultancy degree at BUAS (The Netherlands) more than 20 years ago, she has spent her time both lecturing in tourism and working for Fair Tourism. The foundation strives for a world where indigenous people are no longer unwillingly considered an attraction, but instead are empowered to be leaders in community-based tourism (CBT). In current projects Fair Tourism collaborates with the Karenni in Thailand and the Maasai and Samburu in Kenya. Other activities undertaken to achieve this goal are creating awareness for CBT and related topics (like human rights, ethics, heritage and nature preservation) through workshops, keynotes, writing academic articles, but also by collaborating with DMCs and their overseas agents as well as with other stakeholders. Next to being part of the EU SWITCH-ASIA funded project Tourlink, she is a proud member of Soroptimist and Rotary. |
Andre` Nabors has served as the Partner Relations Manager for the Visit North Carolina. Visit NC a unit of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC), supporting sustainable efforts to market and promote the state’s natural, historic and cultural resources for communities, non-profits, and tourism related entities to improve tourism product and visitation across North Carolina. andre.nabors@visitnc.com |
Duarte B. Morais Welcome remarks | |
KangJae (Jerry) Lee Moderator | |
Sam Cook Panelist | |
Charlotte Louwman-Vogels Panelist-Fair Tourism | |
Andre` Nabors Panelist | |
Edna Williams Panelist | |
Tom Savage Panelist | |