11 September
Local Date: Sep 11 2024 |
Local Time: 6:00 am - 7:30 am
Ms. Eylla Gutierrez, Adjunct Faculty and Research Manager, Asian Institute of Management – Dr. Andrew L. Tan Center for Tourism / Ms. Eylla Gutierrez is an Adjunct Faculty and Research Manager at the Asian Institute of Management's Dr. Andrew L. Tan Center for Tourism. She is also a Senior Consultant at Warwick & Rogers. Prior to this, she served as an intern at the National Green Growth Policy and Green Local and Regional Economic Development under the Green Economic Development at the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ); at the Fleishman-Hillard (FH) Manila, and at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Philippines. She has completed her MA Development Policy (under KAS scholarship) and BA International Studies major in European Studies (Magna Cum Laude) in De La Salle University, Philippines. |
Ms. Ann Dumaliang, Co-Founder and Project Officer, Masungi Georeserve (the Philippines). / Ms. Ann Dumaliang is the Co-Founder and Project Officer at Masungi Georeserve, an award-winning conservation area led and funded by Blue Star Construction and Development Corporation. As a geotourism and sustainable conservation expert, Ms. Dumaliang has been active in ensuring that local communities are integrated in the development of the eco-tourism site in Rizal province. Through her work, she has earned the titles of National Geographic Young Explorer and a World Economic Forum Global Shaper. |
Dr. Marco Valeri, Senior Lecturer, Niccolò Cusano University (Italy). Dr. Marco Valeri is a professor of Tourism and head of Tourism Institute at the Faculty of Economics, Niccolo' Cusano University in Rome. He is also member of AIEST (Association Internationale d'Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme) and member of supervisory board of Italian Association Tour Operators and Travel Agents. Dr. Valeri is also a Visiting Professor at Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor’s University, Malaysia. He has been involved in many research projects and has published many papers, books and book chapters on tourism economics, development, competitiveness and policy and environmental management. His primary research interests include topics on Entrepreneurship, Knowledge management and business innovation, Creating conditions and development of SMEs, and Governance and management of tourism enterprises. |
Dr. Randi Alampay, Associate Professor, University of the Philippines – Asian Institute of Tourism (the Philippines). Dr. Randi Alampay is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Gender and Development Committee at the University of the Philippines-Asian Institute of Tourism. He previously served as the director and senior consultant at Asia Pacific Projects, Inc., an international firm that specializes in management consulting on tourism-related projects including tourism policy, planning and development. His specialization includes local and regional economic development; competitiveness for local government units; sustainable tourism development; tourism research and statistics; tourism market research and analysis; tourism HRD and Institutional capacity building. |
Dr Stroma Cole is a Reader at the University of Westminster. She combines her academic career with action research and consultancy, and she is co-director of the charity Equality in Tourism, transforming gender relations in destinations and tourism organisations. Stroma is a leading authority on tourism and gender relations. Stroma has a long history of working on small islands particularly in Indonesia. She is best known for her tourism and water nexus research in Bali a longitudinal action research project. Stroma is an activist researcher critiquing the consequences of tourism development, in particular the overuse of water by hotels and the consequences for local women. She has over 60 publications, is an Associate Editor for Annals of Tourism Research and on the editorial board at Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Tourism Geographies. |
Eylla Gutierrez Moderator | |
Ann Dumaliang Panelist | |
Marco Valeri Panelist | |
Randi Alampay Panelist | |
Stroma Cole Panelist | |